Sunday, February 24, 2013

Trials Evo Blog.




             I'm an older gamer. i'm 40 in a few days..i love to play game trials evolution.this is where the title comes from.I also have a youtube channel which is also a dedicated channel to trials..i like to video edit.As time goes on, i hope to give this blog page as much knowledge of the game as possible.Being an active trials evo forum member,there is always something to talk about.At the moment, other community members are offering tens of thousands of points, as well as other prizes, for track building and trials track racing alike.The community members that truely love Trials, are a real dedicated group of people that continue to bring the very best of tracks to track central for every one to play.
                 So, please follow this journey, and i hope i can give you enough to keep you interested in playing trials evolution.i will bring as much to this blog as i can.

my youtube videos